CQuirke’s Long View

Long lead times need long forward planning

How We Experience Time

Posted by cquirke on 7 April 2021

Here’s a visualization.

Fade in to a baby, who is facing you, and silently screaming. It’s falling away from you, but you are facing it and falling towards it just as fast, so it doesn’t get further away.

The screaming baby grows through child and adulthood, then winks out to black: Dream Over.

What are you, in this visualization?

You are that person’s past.

Why is the person screaming?

Two reasons.

First, the person is looking back at its past (which is the camera angle of “you” in this visualization), and suffers guilt and regret.

Second, the person cannot turn around to see the future, so is in constant fear.

For our consciousness, the elephant in the room is our mortality!

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